Insights for app owners, developers, and all digital product enthusiasts

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How to make generated Java test sources recognizable by IDE

This post describes how to work around an issue in Android Gradle Plugin concerning generated sources recognition by IDE.

Annoying duties? Here are 5 tips on how to motivate people to do them

Annoying duties? Here are 5 tips on how to motivate people to do them

Every company struggles with some “administration-like” problems. How to motivate coworkers to do the annoying duties they dislike?

Setting animation scale for Android UI tests

Setting animation scale for Android UI tests

This post describes how to disable animations on Android device or AVD before running UI tests (especially Espresso-powered) in reliable way.

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Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time – Book Review

Review of the book written by Jeff Sutherland (Scrum co-founder) “Scrum. The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time.”

How to Speak to Developer

How to Speak to Developer – Designers’ Cheatsheet

Communication between designer and developer is essential to the project success — so far, so obvious and we all know it, right? But the reality very often challenges us with communication issues that nobody’s expected because we’re all focusing on the natural flow of work and the great results we’d like to achieve.


What’s new in AVFoundation in iOS 10

With iOS 10 we are getting some new features which can improve camera usage in our apps. I would briefly talk about three of them.

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Add elements to an array like a pro

It’s well known that merging arrays through plus operator cause the compilation process to take much longer. But what about an execution time? As could be expected the winner can be only one.

Android Gradle configurations

Article explains configuration provided by Android Gradle plugin.

Face tracking with AVFoundation

Face tracking with AVFoundation

Face tracking is an interesting feature which is available in iOS since it’s 5th version. In this tutorial I would like to show you how to implement it in Swift 3.0.


Notifications in iOS 10

With iOS 10, tvOS 10 and watchOS 3 launch Apple introduced the new UserNotifications framework. It supports the delivery and handling of local and remote notifications. Cool, but you can say that it was already possible through UIKit and classes like UILocalNotification or dictionaries for remote notifications. And you’re completely right, but these new possibilities, in particular, are extremely convenient and powerful. Take a look at it with me!

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3D Touch in Swift 3.0

With the introduction of iPhone 6S, Apple presented new feature called 3D Touch. It is a new layer on device’s screen that can detect the force of our touch. 3D Touch allows developers to provide users with the bunch of new experiences when using the app. 3D Touch API can handle three different use cases of […]


Sketch features that made me forget about Photoshop

While working on our latest project, I got really frustrated with Photoshop. I’ve just got a brand new MacBook Pro, the project has just started and it already took ages for my Photoshop to run a simple PSD file. This is it, we have to look for a new solution here. People were talking around […]

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How to spice up your app with iOS 10 magic?

Since September 7th iOS 10 Golden Master is available. That means in a few days there should be also the first initial public release of it. And that’s pretty awesome. I really enjoyed all the previous betas on my iPhone and can’t wait for the public seed available for everyone! But what does it mean for developers?

street vehicle motor scooter vespa

How to handle Featured and MVP in simple Android app

Introduction During my company workcation in Bali, I noticed that the main mean of transport in Indonesia are scooters, they are used by everyone and I mean it, EVERYONE. They are so popular, that they almost replaced public transportation. With so high number of scooters, there have to be a lot of them needing repair. It […]

Espresso Test Recorder – A quick How-To

Espresso Test Recorder – A quick How-to

A quick how-to on using the newest feature of Android Studio – Espresso Test Recorder

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What’s new in iOS 10?

On June 13th people were sitting in Bill Graham Civic Auditorium and waiting for the biggest Apple developers feast of the year – WWDC. They spent a lot of money, travelled thousands of kilometres, wrote myriads of lines of code to be a part of this memorable event, to hear what’s new in Apple devices microcosmos first-handy.

/dev/full on OS X

/dev/full on OS X

How to simulate ENOSPC errors on OS X

What’s new in Android 7.0 Nougat

What’s new in Android 7.0 Nougat?

An overview of new featuers in Android 7.0 Nougat.