Insights for app owners, developers, and all digital product enthusiasts

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how to analyze and compare software proporsals

Software Development Offers: How to Compare Them and What Matters Most

As a Business Developer, I’m involved in preparing offers for our potential clients. I’ve got a solid grasp on the process and understand the hesitations and questions companies often have. That’s why I decided to write an article that clarifies how you can analyze offers from potential outsourcing partners. I hope it makes your decision-making […]

IoT security threats and solutions

8 Key IoT Security Challenges and Proven Solutions from the Field

At Droids On Roids, we work daily on developing connectivity applications that interact seamlessly with our clients’ custom IoT devices. We know firsthand how crucial it is to prioritize security in this area. This inspired us to create this article. What is IoT security? Read also: What is Application Security? All You Need To Know […]

green apps and sustainability apps - examples and trends

Driving Sustainability Awareness – Emerging Green Apps Trends & Examples

Sustainability has become a top priority for companies across industries in today’s rapidly changing business landscape. With growing environmental challenges and an increasing demand from users for eco-friendly products and services, businesses are acknowledging the need to integrate sustainable practices into their operations.  Fortunately, advancements in technology have paved the way for a new wave of […]

Benefits of outsourcing software development

Outsourcing App Development – Benefits & Risks for App Owners

Take a closer look at the trend for outsourcing software development to analyze its key benefits and risks together with tips on how to avoid them.

How to Communicate Asynchronously with your Development Team

How to Communicate Asynchronously with your Development Team – 8 Tips

8 battle-tested tips on improving asynchronous communication with your offshore app Development Team. 

how to choose a mobile development company

How to Choose the Best Mobile Development Company? | Guide for Businesses

Read this article to learn how to choose the best mobile development company for your project – key tips and questions you should ask to providers.

in-house vs outsourcing software development

In-house vs. Outsourced Software Development | Business Perspective

Outsource to a software house or hire an in-house development team – a comparison for app owners.

Independent Contractor Agreement with Examples | Mobile & Web App Development

Independent Contractor Agreement with Examples | Mobile & Web App Development

Independent Contractor Agreement with a Software House – how should it look like and what you can’t miss?

App design & development team

5 Reasons to Design and Develop your App at the Same Software House

If you want your app to rock the world, you have to consider hiring a designer who will ensure it is user-friendly. To make the whole process as smooth and easy as possible, choose a software house which has a designer in its team. Just have a glance at these 5 reasons why it pays […]