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yellow metal design decoration

IBDesignable and IBInspectable in Interface Builder

A picture is worth a thousand words. Simple and meaningful. Why have to setup whole view (meaning not only UIView, but all its subclasses included buttons, images or cells) with raw code and imagine how it possibly could look, when you can easily use IBInspectable and IBDesignable available in Interface Builder since Xcode 6? Exactly! Let’s try it out and take a look how simple it is.

Example of Realm with MVP and Dagger

Example of Realm with MVP and Dagger

How to use Realm in MVP pattern with Dagger

Realm in Android – simple example

Realm in Android – simple example

Simple example of Realm database

How to integrate Gerrit with HipChat

How to integrate Gerrit with HipChat

You can find complete source code on Droids on Roids’ GitHub repository Background One of the useful features for Gerrit users is to receive notifications about events related to their changes. Gerrit contains built-in support for email notifications. You can just configure SMTP settings and voilà, bunch categories of emails will be sent. So far so […]

Google Cloud Messaging and Parse comparison

Google Cloud Messaging and Parse comparison

Two different ways of approaching the implementation of Apple Push Notification Service in iOS app. Google Cloud Messaging versus Parse Push Notifications. Which one is the best for you?


Circular UIScrollView – SwiftCarousel

Circular UIScrollView. Learn how to use SwiftCarousel helper with examples.

Log in with Twitter with Swift (iOS)

Log in with Twitter with Swift (iOS)

Currently, most mobile applications have login by social networks. In this post we will focus on solution using Twitter platform. We will try to create simple login using Parse backend service which provides support the Twitter API.

Maze Game with SpriteKit

Maze Game with SpriteKit

Do you remember days when maze games like Labyrinth 2 from Illusion Labs were one of the most popular titles on the App Store? In fact, it was a kind of a long time ago, when iPhone 3Gs and 4 had its glory time. I still think it was really nice idea, so why not create your own Maze game, especially since iOS SDK has such a great framework like SpriteKit?

Meaningful Motion with Shared Element Transition and Circular Reveal Animation

Meaningful Motion with Shared Element Transition and Circular Reveal Animation

The project can be found on DroidsOnRoids Github in Material Showcase repository. First glance The circular reveal animation is one of the most popular animations in a Material Design paradigm. Following official Android documentation: Reveal animations provide users visual continuity when you show or hide a group of UI elements. So with this kind of animation […]

Apple TV Parallax Effect in Swift

Apple TV Parallax Effect in Swift

Have you seen new Apple TV? Looks great, and brand new design brings some iOS/OSX feeling! As always, Apple included subtle, but very cool effect to interact with interface. Here’s you can look how to recreate it in Swift.

iOS & Android Mobile Development Company Software House Poland

Content Blockers in iOS 9

Since iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan, Apple has started supporting content blockers. This brings us ad blocking and many other interesting possibilities.

iOS & Android Mobile Development Company Software House Poland

UIStackView in Swift Part 1

In June 2015, something finally changed in terms of layout in iOS. On WWDC Apple introduced a new layout tool for developers – UIStackView. Well known to OSX developers, this great layout view finally came into iOS world. Let’s be honest – AutoLayout is not trivial – for experienced developers is logical and enable them […]

Top Design Tools for Android App Developers

Top Design Tools for Android App Developers

In this article, I’d like to show you the most useful (and free!) tools that you might like while designing your Android app. You’ll find plugins, websites, and more. So let’s start! 1. Device Metrics – web site Web site: Have you ever wondered what density has your phone? Or which device has tvdpi […]

How to Create Fancy Screen Transitions Used in Walkthrough in Android Google Drive App

How to Create Fancy Screen Transitions Used in Walkthrough in Android Google Drive App

Recently I found very cool introduction screen in Google Drive App visible above. I really like Google color transition between screens. It was my inspiration to create this cool color transition by myself.

blog post dagger2

Testing Dagger 2 with Espresso, Mockito & Robolectric

Dagger 2 brings us @Component and @Module – annotations which imply less boilerplate code, but unfortunately, make our project less testable. In this article, I will show a project, which is using Dagger 2 and is testable with frameworks like Mockito, Espresso or Robolectric.

How to Generate Java Sources Using buildSrc Gradle Project and Codemodel

How to Generate Java Sources Using buildSrc Gradle Project and Codemodel

Generate Java sources using buildSrc Gradle project and Codemodel. Check out these helpful tips.

Differences Between minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion, compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion

Differences Between minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion, compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion

Introduction There are 4 places in build.gradle where Android SDK version can be defined. This article describes their meanings and purposes. All of them are connected with the concept of API level. In general, it corresponds to Android system version and the newer device and system the higher API level is. Certain parts of Android […]

How to Create PagerTitleStrip with Current Page Indicator Only

How to Create PagerTitleStrip with Current Page Indicator Only

Create PagerTitleStrip only with Current Page Indicator. Find out, how to do this!