Insights for app owners, developers, and all digital product enthusiasts

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Splitting Pull Request

How to Split Pull Requests – Good Practices, Methods and Git Strategies

6 good practices, 7 methods, and 4 Git Strategies for Pull Request creating and splitting.

IoT security threats and solutions

8 Key IoT Security Challenges and Proven Solutions from the Field

At Droids On Roids, we work daily on developing connectivity applications that interact seamlessly with our clients’ custom IoT devices. We know firsthand how crucial it is to prioritize security in this area. This inspired us to create this article. What is IoT security? Read also: What is Application Security? All You Need To Know […]

Top manual testing tools

12 Great Manual QA Testing Tools to Boost Your App’s Success

In today’s fast-paced digital world, where mobile applications play a crucial role in the success of businesses, quality assurance (QA) holds great significance.  As a Quality Assurance Engineer, my role involves ensuring the delivery of flawless mobile apps, meeting what users want and what your business needs. I’m excited to share some of my experiences […]

mobile apps testing

Mobile App Testing – Introduction for Product Owners

Understand mobile app testing and find out what is the best way to test your application. Mobile app testing introduction for Product Owners.

Facts and myths of the QA industry

Facts and Myths About the Quality Assurance Industry

Fact #1 – Qualities matter Whether you are suitable for the position of QA Engineer can be checked in a simple way’ you just need to have at least some of the qualities described below. Curiosity and inquisitiveness – these are two very important qualities a QA should have. Often, thanks to them, we find […]

how to become a mobile qa engineer

How to Become a Mobile Quality Assurance Engineer?

Mobile application industry The mobile industry is growing every year. According to research, it is estimated that users spent $133 billion on mobile apps and games in 2021. This is an increase of almost 20% on the previous year. The App Store and Google Play rankings are dominated by social, service, messaging and gaming apps. […]

Mobile Application Security Testing - Guide

Mobile Security Testing. Make the First Step!

An introduction to mobile security testing in your app development process.

Refactoring vs. rewriting an app from scratch - guide for app owners

Refactoring vs Rewriting a Mobile App from Scratch – Comparison for App Owners

Rewrite or Refactor? When is it worth to refactor your app and when it’s better to rewrite it from scratch? The comparison for App Owners.

Quality Assurance in Mobile & Web App Development Process

Mobile & Web App Development Process – Stage 5b – Quality Assurance

QA in Continuous Integration app development from a business perspective. Learn how you should ensure your app’s quality.

Hyperion - App Debugging & Inspection Tool for Android

Hyperion – the “Swiss Army Knife” within your App

What is Hyperion? Why it is worth to use it? What are the core and third-party plugins examples? How to display device info inside your debug menu? Find the answers in this article. 

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Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Grant Manual Tester Access to the Code

When a manual tester wants to automate. Why you shouldn’t be afraid of giving QA specialists access to a repository and how to do it smart.

How to Report Bugs so that Developers Won’t Hate you

How to Report Bugs so that Developers Won’t Hate you – 7 tips for Quality Assurance Professionals

How should a Quality Assurance Professional communicate with a Developer? In the article, you will find 7 must-read tips that will help you avoid conflicts and make your cooperation more enjoyable and productive.


How to Debug HTTP(S) Traffic for Android Apps with Burp Proxy

Everything seems to match specifications but the app does not work? Discover Burp Proxy – one of the best ways of debugging HTTP(S) traffic! 

Testing Android Apps with Pseudolocalization

Testing Android Apps with Pseudolocalization

Learn how to avoid UX issues, like truncated texts or undersized content space, in applications. Let’s try pseudolocalization.

Espresso Test Recorder – A quick How-To

Espresso Test Recorder – A quick How-to

A quick how-to on using the newest feature of Android Studio – Espresso Test Recorder

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Unit tests with custom JUnit rules, annotations and resources

Some advanced solutions for unit tests

blog post dagger2

Testing Dagger 2 with Espresso, Mockito & Robolectric

Dagger 2 brings us @Component and @Module – annotations which imply less boilerplate code, but unfortunately, make our project less testable. In this article, I will show a project, which is using Dagger 2 and is testable with frameworks like Mockito, Espresso or Robolectric.