
Free Product Strategy Workshop

Define your product goal and the strategy to achieve it. Avoid costly mistakes, minimize risks.

Our workshop in a nutshell

No more wasting money. Strategize before doing.

Digital Product Strategy Workshop Man Hour

~ 20 man-hours

In total, our cross-functional team spends around 20 hours analyzing your vision and crafting a strategy. The workshop focuses on boosting your product’s chances for success. Be it a native or multiplatform app.

Digital Product Strategy Expertise

Diverse expertise

Business Analysts, Solutions Architects, UX Researchers, Developers, Designers, and other digital product ninjas – we all join forces to transform your idea into a concrete strategy, complete with processes, timelines, estimates, and more.

Digital Product Development Strategy

Ready to develop

The workshop results in a tailored strategy for achieving your product and business goals. You’ll have everything you need to start building your digital product. Plus, you get all this for free.


All you need to know to get started

What is our Product Strategy Workshop?

It’s a series of sessions designed to give you all the essentials to start building your product. First, we clarify and transform your vision into specific business and product goals. Then we prepare an effective strategy to achieve them.

Who participates in the workshop?

We carefully select the right experts for the workshop based on your product’s specific needs. Typically, this group includes Business Developers, Business Analysts, Solutions Architects, UX Researchers, Developers, and Designers.

What are the outcomes?

At the end of the workshop, you get a detailed analysis of your idea. With all this information in hand, you’re all set to start building your native or cross-platform product. Here’s what’s included:

  • Vision and product goal
  • Risk matrix
  • Research plan
  • Roadmap
  • System architecture diagram
  • Tech stack
  • Flowchart
  • Team composition
  • QA scope
  • Estimated budget

This overview will outline the expected costs and timeframe, giving you a clear picture of what’s ahead.

How much does it cost?

The workshop is completely free.

What happens after the workshop?

After the Workshop, if you decide to start building your product, we’d love to be your dedicated partner throughout this journey. However, you’re also free to choose any other company.

Once you team up with us, we will set up your product team and confirm the start date for development. Then, we sign the contract, introduce you to your team, and begin implementing the strategy to achieve your goals.

Workshop stages

From initial vision to bespoke strategy


Discovery call with a Business Developer

You tell us about your vision, the problems you want to solve, and your expectations. We’re all ears!


Call with the Solution Architects Team

We fine-tune the product vision, align the metrics, and define its business goals to ensure success.


Strategy preparation + cost estimation

Our experts develop a strategy to optimally achieve the set goals, and also estimate the budget you’ll need.


Summary presentation call

We present a summary of the workshop, putting all the key elements right at your fingertips.


What will I get at the end of the workshop?

Digital Product Strategy Workshop Vision and Goal

Vision and goal

You have a clear product vision, business goal, and product goal. These serve as our starting blocks for tackling the next steps.

Digital Product Strategy Workshop Risk Matrix

Risk matrix

With this visual tool, we outline the key risks, their likelihood, and impact. But no stress – you get clear tips on how to reduce these threats and manage them if they become reality.

Digital Product Strategy Workshop Research Plan

Research plan

We recommend a specific set of market and user research methods tailored to your product. Make choices based on data and get your product done faster, saving you time and money.

Digital Product Strategy Workshop - Project Roadmap


It’s essentially a big-picture plan that shows the goal, key features, and timeline for creating your product. The roadmap serves as a useful guide for all stakeholders, helping the team stay on track and clearly showing the progress.

Digital Product Strategy Workshop - Architecture Diagram

Architecture diagram

This is a blueprint for your system, showing how different parts, such as software, hardware, and databases, fit together and function as a whole. It guides developers and stakeholders through the complexities of the system’s design and functionality.

Digital Product Strategy Workshop Flowchart


A diagram that lays out the essential steps needed to solve a problem. It illustrates the logical flow and structure of your product, serving as a vital tool for clarifying complex processes.

Digital Product Strategy Workshop Tech Stack

Tech stack

You get our recommendations for the tools and solutions that best fit your goals and the specifics of your product, whether it is a native or multiplatform application.

Digital Product Strategy Workshop Team Composition

Team composition

You get to know the team setup we recommend – which roles are included and how many specialists your project needs.

Digital Product Strategy Workshop - Estimated Budget of Your Project

Estimated budget

You get a clear breakdown of the costs to create your product. Transparent tables clearly illustrate what contributes to the total.

Continuing the journey

Next steps after the workshop

Once you decide to build your product with us, here's what happens next:

  1. We set up your product team and confirm the start date
  2. We sign the contract
  3. You meet your dedicated team
  4. We start work on your product, following the strategy we created in the workshop!

Why work with us

Go digital the smart way. Your ROI will thank you.

  • No more wasting money. Research before strategizing, and strategize before doing.
  • Ideation, launch, scale? You’ve got it covered under one roof.
  • Surprises? Great for parties, not so much for app development. You’ll know each step of your product’s journey.
  • Only data-driven decisions, backed by solid market insights.
  • Quick pivots, flexible planning – we adapt at the speed of your needs.
  • No more your and our team. We join forces, all in for a shared goal!
  • Your business goals and user needs are our guiding stars.

Join our free Product Strategy Workshop

Let's turn your vision into a success story!