Category: Blog, Android, Development, QA

Testing Dagger 2 with Espresso, Mockito & Robolectric

Dagger 2 brings us @Component and @Module – annotations which imply less boilerplate code, but unfortunately, make our project less testable. In this article, I will show a project, which is using Dagger 2 and is testable with frameworks like Mockito, Espresso or Robolectric.

Anyone who has ever tried testing an Android project that is using Dagger 1 knows, that this is quite possible to override existing modules and replace them with test ones, e.g.:

Dagger 2 brings us @Component and @Module, annotations which imply less boilerplate code, but unfortunately, makes our project less testable. In this article, I’d like to show the project which is using Dagger 2 and is testable with frameworks like Mockito, Espresso or Robolectric.

Complete source code can be found on Droids On Roids Github

Making project

About the author

Paulina Szklarska

Paulina Szklarska

Android Developer

Android Developer @ DroidsOnRoids